Saturday, February 28, 2009

Zoo Fun

Adam had never been to the zoo before, and since Brad and Noah had Friday off for Rodeo Days, we thought we would go-we had so much fun, and Adam loved it! I love the Tucson Zoo, because it's not very big and you can get through the whole thing in a couple of hours. We got to feed the Giraffe, pet snakes, and see all of the new things that have been added to the zoo in the last 2 years. After the zoo, we went to a nearby park to eat lunch and play, then we went to visit Grandma Rasmussen at the Institute for an hour or so-the kids were in heaven! They all fell asleep on the way home, then were completely wound up when we got home (thanks Grandma and the missionary couple at the Institute for the ice cream, suckers, and licorice-oy). We then planted our little box garden (wish us luck-we'll post pics later if it's successful!), and crashed! It was a very full and fun day.


  1. Yay for the zoo. I totally want to go to the Tucson zoo some weekend when we're in town. I love the picture of the three zonked out kids on the way home. Very cute!!

  2. Just testing-Mindy told me that she was having a hard time posting too
